Saturday, October 21, 2017

Lipstick cam with Helmet cam holder

This is a little Gem. It all comes in a 10" X 8" X 4" case.

The Camera kit comes complete with 
  1. Lipstick Cam
  2. Helmet Cam Mount
  3. Lavaier type MicroPhone
  4. A ToPin Battery
  5. Complete Cables
  6. AC charging
  7. Black Foam Lined Case
This can all be yours for 34.95

Laser Cut God Bless America Standee.

Beautifully done Laser cut Standee, Perfect for that patriot you know. This 5" X 5" wood standee look great on a desk or counter. Quantities are limited order yours today.
Free Shipping to the continental United States.

9.50 Each.